Rankin Construction Receives 2022 Biennial Award

Rankin Construction is honoured to receive the 2022 Biennial Award in the Category of Landscape Architecture: Public Realm. The award was in recognition of the Bridge and Victoria Street Roundabout in Niagara Falls.
The Niagara Region grants this award to "Publicly accessible outdoor landscape spaces, located on municipal or conservation area lands" and evaluates projects based on Quality of Execution, Vibrancy, and Sustainability.
Quality of execution - Project exhibits landscape architectural excellence through materiality, functionality, integration with the immediate surroundings and positive contributions to civic life
Vibrancy - Project successfully invites people to explore and experience the space in a variety of ways
Sustainability - Includes features such as sustainable landscape practices, bio-diversity, low-impact development and green infrastructure
Futher details about the award criteria, eligibility, and judging can be found at Niagara Biennial Design Awards.